It is that time of the year! Mulberries are ripening in the beautiful June weather. If you haven't looked around your local park, I highly suggest doing so for some free, delicious, very local, organic, tree ripened mulberries. You may be wondering, how do I find some mulberry trees? How do I know that the mulberries are ripe? Well I have come up with a few tips to help you succeed in your mulberry picking quest!
How to find a mulberry tree.
1. Look at the ground. If you see mulberries have fallen in that area underneath a tree, chances are that it is a mulberry tree!
Under a big mulberry tree!
2. Use your sniffer! If you smell that something smells funny, it's likely that it's the mulberries which have fallen on the ground are rotting. Someone must have stepped on them earlier, or perhaps they have been there for a while.
3. Look up. This may seem like common sense but you have to look up at the tree to check if there are berries on it. Mulberry trees may vary in size greatly, some are so tall you can only reach its lowest branch while others are small and you can pick the whole tree without a problem. For the tall trees I recommend a buddy to help you out, let them give you a lift on their shoulder =)
Look at the beautiful colors !
Big mulberry tree. (I can't reach all of them!)
Little mulberry trees.
Are the mulberries ripe?
Here are some tips of seeing if the mulberries have ripened yet. You don't want to eat unripe mulberries because they aren't tasty or sweet! Plus, if you eat too many unripe ones, you might even get a tummy ache!
1. They will be black, or a very rich deep purple, dark color. When the mulberries are white or pink, they are still unripe. Pink mulberries may look like mutated raspberries, but don't be fooled ! Wait until they have fully ripened! Also, make sure the whole mulberry is completely black with no pink or light spots. These won't be as delicious as they can be.
Unripe, white mulberries.
Unripe, pink mulberries. (look like raspberries)
2. The mulberries will fall into the palm of your hand with one touch. If they do not resist being taken down, then that means they have fully grown and are ready to be eaten. I love how they come right off with no effort when the time is right!
3. Just eat a mulberry! Try some out! If they taste sour or unpleasant, chances are they are still unripe.
4. When you take the mulberry off the branch, it shouldn't be rock hard. The mulberry should be soft and give a little.
5. My favorite way or checking if mulberries are ripe is seeing bugs munching on them! If they like them, then I know that I most definitely will too. Plus, that is a sure sign that the mulberries are organic, or pesticide free.
After my mulberry picking adventure, I ended up with a half a pound of fresh and super delicious mulberries!
If you are into finding free fruit (who wouldn't be !?), I highly recommend checking out a local park, or even the trees in your neighborhood. It's all the fun of picking the freshest mulberries for the amazing price of $0! Plus, if you don't pick and eat them, then who will?! (besides the birds and caterpillars). All those mulberries just may go to waste, so do mother nature a favor. =)
This can make a great morning walk, with a little extra motivation to get out of the house. You will come back with breakfast! Picking some mulberries even as an afternoon snack in the park is fantastic! The fastest food you will get =). Bring your family and friends along with you and share the fun!
It's always a great idea to bring fruit with you, but picking your own when you are out makes it even easier to stay carbed up!
Remember, just do it raw! =)