Tuesday, October 2, 2012

THE KEY, Transitioning to a Raw Vegan Lifestyle Interview with Arnold - Woodstock Fruit Festival 2012

Agnes intervews Arnold Kaufman from Arnold's Way in Landsdale, Pennsylvania at the Woodstock Fruit Festival 2012. They discuss what you need to know to successfully transition to a high carb low fat raw vegan lifestyle. Rebounders are a great way to get in some fitness, and Arnold highly recommends them. Green smoothies are also a great way to transition and stick with the high carb low fat raw vegan lifestyle! 

Love is SO key to everything in life! This includes making lifestyle, specifically dietary, changes. Also, find a community, support group, a friend, or family that will support your journey because this is help you out tremendously! We always need someone to talk to that will understand where we are coming from!

So remember, word to the wise, just love! =)


Eating Raw in Bulgaria !

Eating raw when traveling may seem difficult and scary, but here I am going to show you how I made it work when I went on vacation to Sunny Beach, Bulgaria. I didn't know if the hotel would have high carb raw vegan approved options, but luckily it did. In case it didn't, I also had plenty of other options ready for me outside of the hotel. I scoped out the area for some good fruit. Don't be afraid to go out into the unknown; you never know what you're missing out on until you try! 
My vacation was very relaxing, and I was able to swim a lot in the ocean, and enjoy the beautiful town of Sunny Beach. =) PS- I love the name of the town, I should have known it would be sunny =P

O-Nana Smoothie !

Doing it raw is simple and delicious! My family and I enjoy this smoothie at least once a day, it's a favorite =)

O-Nana Smoothie:
7 bananas (ripe, frozen, or both)
2.5 cups of fresh orange juice

Ice cream- do more frozen bananas or just enough orange juice to get the frozen bananas moving in the blender.

Low Fat Raw Vegan O-Nana Smoothie Recipe by Agnes Kalinowski, Just Do It Raw